
“If you don’t know, why do you ask?”

David Tudor answering to a student at the Black Mountain College. See “Indeterminacy”, Silence, 1961, by John Cage

Photo by Arini Bianchi

As an artist João Fiadeiro positions himself in the crossroads between performance, dance, visual arts and theater. As a researcher he positions himself in the intersections between practice and theory; art and science; life and art. His work – both as an artist and as a researcher – relies on the premiss that composition should be understood and experienced as com-position*. That is to say, not as an act of “positioning oneself against”, but as an act of “positioning oneself with”.

João Fiadeiro’s “object of study” is the space-time interval that emerges when the experience we all have with linear time is interrupted and suspended by an accident, an incident or an affect. This generates an interval in the  “timeline” narrative we all take as a reference to live, opening a gap in the sense of continuity and order that we normally experience. It’s inside this space, where time becomes duration, that all his work and research takes place.

* the preposition “com” means “with” in Portuguese